Frequently Asked Questions
- Organizer: How do I issue a refund?
- Organizer: Configuring Discounts FAQ
- Homeroom Messaging Frequently Asked Questions
- Organizer: How do I invite a student into an activity?
- Organizer: How do I add or remove a team member to my Homeroom account?
- Organizer: Share the news with your school
- Transaction Reporting
- Organizer: How do I set up registration questions?
- Organizer: How do I use advanced pricing?
- Organizer: How do I add classroom teachers and dismissal options?
- Organizer: How do I set up a school fee and enable Donations?
- Organizer: Using Attendance Codes
- Organizer: Can I remove a student with no refund?
- Organizer: How do I create enrichment activities?
- Organizer: How do I add or remove a Provider?
- Organizer: How do I add a compliance checklist for my providers?
- Organizer: Configuring Lessons
- Organizer: Viewing and Updating Student Medical Information and Student Notes
- Organizer: How do I setup School Policies and Waivers
- Organizer: How do I create an enrichment season?