Organizer: How do I set up a school fee and enable Donations?

Some schools use enrichment clubs as a way to fundraise for their Parent Teacher Organization (PTO). Additionally, you can ask families to voluntarily add an additional donation to your organization. If your school is interested in adding a small fee to each enrollment and/or collecting donations, Homeroom can help you seamlessly collect the fee. 

To add a school fee, click on payment tools in the left hand navigation. Then click on the edit icon in the top right hand corner to add the school fee. 

You will also see a sample course breakdown based off of the fee that was added. Click Save Changes. 

To turn on the option for donations, scroll down to the bottom of the payment tools screen and click on the edit icon in the top right hand corner to enable donations. You will be able to enter your Tax ID in this portion as well. 

Note: In order to collect any funds, you will need to setup a stripe account. 

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