Organizer: How do I add or remove a team member to my Homeroom account?

Adding a new team member

You can add additional team members to your account so they can help manage courses and access student information. 

  1. On the left side navigation click on 'Team'
  2. Click '+Add team member' 


  3. Enter the team members email address 
  4. Select a role for your team member. 
    1. Admins: have full access to all features
    2. Members: Access to everything expect Stripe account configuration


  5. Click Send Invitation

This will send an email invitation to your colleague inviting them to create a Homeroom account with access to your organizer account. You can also re-send invitations if needed.

Resend Invite or Remove Team Member:Copy link

If the team member did not receive the invitation, you can resend the invitation from the main Team member page by clicking the resend icon next to the team member name. 

Additionally, if you have a member that is no longer with your organization you can remove them by hitting the delete icon next to their name. If you need to invite the team member after they have been deleted, they can always be added back.

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