Homeroom Messaging Frequently Asked Questions

How do I compose a message?

To compose a message, navigate to an individual activity and select the Enrollments tab. From there, select all or some students, then click “Message”. A message composer will appear.

Can I view past messages prior to the release of Homeroom Messaging?

No. You can see messages sent as of October 12, 2023.

Can I send a message to all families enrolled in a season?

Not yet! Currently you can compose messages at the activity level. In a future release, you will be able to send messages at a season level.

Are messages sent to additional contacts (CC contacts, emergency contacts, etc)?

No. The primary contact is the only use that gets the message. Additional email addresses configured in the family’s Homeroom account do not get the message If you would like to send to another contact, you can copy the contact information from the Enrollments tab and compose a message outside of Homeroom.

What is the difference between a broadcast message and a conversation and when should I use each?

A broadcast message is intended to be 1-way communication between an organizer and families. Although families may respond to broadcast messages, when they do, only the original sender will see their responses. A conversation is intended to be a group discussion. When families respond, all families in the conversation will see their responses.

Can I delete a message after i've sent it?


Can families choose if they would like to be contacted via text or email?

The communication format is controlled by the sender. The sender can select whether they want to compose a text message or an email. In an upcoming release, families will be able to configure their communication preferences.

When I send a message through Homeroom, who does the message come from?

The message comes from the sender’s name “via Homeroom”. For example, if the sender is Sarah Jones, the message will come from “Sarah Jones via Homeroom”.

How do I see automated emails sent through Homeroom?

In the Messages tab, check the checkbox labeled “Show automated”.

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