Providers: Managing the Waitlist
Your waitlist can be found under the Enrollments tab of your Activity Details page and will be right under the Enrolled table:
As soon as an activity reaches the maximum number of students enrolled, a waitlist will turn on automatically and an email notification will be sent to you as a heads up that the activity has filled. As soon as students join your waitlist, they will be added to the Waitlisted table. The waitlist will populate top to bottom in the order of when the student was signed up on the waitlist.
Within the waitlist, you have the option of promoting one or more students and sending an invitation to enroll in the activity. Check the checkmark to the left of the students name, and then click the Promote action. You'll also have the option of adjusting the cost of that particular enrollment.
Once done, click Promote to invite the student from the waitlist to enroll for the activity. The parent of that student will receive an email saying they’ve been invited off the waitlist and they have 24 hours to confirm.
From the waitlist, you can also track which families have been invited to join your activities and which invitations have expired. Once the student is invited to the activity, the invitation will expire in 24 hours. The student will then move to the bottom of the waitlist and there will be an indication that it has expired. Even though the invitation has expired, it can always be re-sent to the parent.
If your class is at capacity (e.g. 20 out of 20) you can promote someone off the waitlist and also go beyond your maximum capacity without having to edit the maximum numbers of students (e.g. if the parent accepts, you’ll be at 21/20).
If your class is at capacity (e.g. 20 out of 20) and you remove and refund a person, the next person on the waitlist will not be enrolled automatically. You will have to Promote another person from the waitlist.
If you increase the max number of students, this will not automatically promote students from the waitlist. You will still need to promote and invite from the waitlist. Spots will be held for those students until the invitation expires as you continue enrollments for your activity.