Ongoing Account Management (Refunds, Waitlist, Moving Students, and more!)

In this article:

Managing a Class Waitlist

Course waitlists can be found in the Activity Detail Page and right below the Enrollments table. As soon as a class reaches the maximum number of students enrolled, an email notification will be sent to the class vendor and the waitlisted students will be listed in the Waitlist section. The waitlist will populate top to bottom in the order of when the student was added to the waitlist. Within the waitlist, check the box to the right of the parent’s name and click to promote in the actions toolbar. The parent will be sent an email invitation to enroll in the course. Note: Homeroom will not automatically promote a student off of the waitlist. This will have to be done manually. 

To promote someone off the waitlist, you will select their name and click promote.


  • Waitlist invitation expire after 24 hours. 
  • If your class is at capacity (e.g. 20 out of 20) and you invite someone off the waitlist, you can go beyond the maximum capacity without having to first edit the maximum numbers of students (e.g. if the parent accepts, you’ll be at 21/20).
  • If your class is at capacity (e.g. 20 out of 20) and you remove and refund a person, the next person on the waitlist will not be enrolled automatically. You will have to promote another person from the Waitlist.
  • If you increase the max number of students, this will not move everyone from the waitlist automatically. You will still need to promote and invite from the waitlist. Spots will be held for those students until the invitation expires as you continue enrollments for your activity.

Refund a Student

At any point there may be a need to issue a refund. As an organizer you can do so at any point. To do that you will need to go to activity and click on the enrollments tab. From there, select the student(s) and click refund in the actions toolbar. 

Remove a Student with no Refund

If a student is to be removed from a course without receiving a refund of any sort, continue to click on 'Remove' in the actions toolbar.

Inviting a Student into an Activity

As an organizer, you are able to invite a student directly into a course at anytime. To do this, you will want to go to the activity and toggle to the enrollments tab. Click 'Invite'. 

Moving a Student to a New Activity

Homeroom allows you to move students to another activity, as long as the providers are the same. (Note: if you need to move a student to an activity that has a different provider, you will need to refund and remove the student, and invite the family to the new class.) To move a student go to the activity, click on the enrollment tab, check the box next to the students name, and click move in the actions toolbar. 

A modal will pop up with the selected student(s) and any activities with the same provider will appear in the dropdown box. Select the new activity and click move. 

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