Providers: Refunds
To issue a refund, click on the course name from the activity table. Then, you will click on the ‘Billing’ tab. Find the students name from the list - or select all students to issue a bulk refund. From the billing tab, you have the ability to remove and/or refund students.
Refund Options: Select the refund option (Full, partial, other). Our system will do the math for you.
If you wish to remove a student without refunding them, you will click on the remove button within the billing tab. This will remove the student from your roster, while keeping your earnings.
Terms and their explanations:
Provider earnings reversed: the amount of money pulled from your direct earnings without credit card fees.
School earnings reversed: The school fee paid by parents - School fee is not always refunded.
Other fees reversed: Credit Card fees
Family receives: The amount the family will receive back .
Reason for refund (Required): Families receive the note on their emailed receipt. This section is required.