General Info

When you add your school policies in Homeroom, we ensure all instructors are aware and in agreement; giving you & your parents ease of mind. (Note: this information will need to be updated every season)

School Information

Emergency Contacts 

In the event of an emergency, who should your providers contact? You will enter the information in this section and will want to make sure the contact information is kept up to date.


School organizers add teacher and classroom or grade information as part of the school setup. This will populate a drop-down list that parents will use during the enrollment process to indicate their student's teacher. Their selections will then be used to build the student rosters. 

To add classroom teacher information, scroll down to the Teachers in the General info section and click the Edit icon, and add teacher and classroom or grade information and click Save Changes.

The fields are flexible and can be used in different ways. Add information that will be most useful both for your parents as well as enrichment coordinators or vendors. For instance, a parent may not know their student's classroom number but they will likely be familiar with the teacher's name. At the same time, classroom information can still be important for those using the rosters to ensure students are safely getting from their school day classrooms to their enrichment classes. 

In the example above, the organizer has added both teacher and grade information in the Schoolday Teacher field.

Dismissal Options 

School organizers add a list of dismissal options as part of the school setup. This will populate a drop-down list that parents will use during the enrollment process to indicate how their student should be dismissed after the enrichment class is over. The selections are used to build the student rosters.

To add student dismissal options, in the General Info Section, Scroll down to the Dismissal options section and click the Edit icon. 

  • Enter a dismissal option e.g. Parent Pickup or Walks Home. Use the Enter key or click the text "Add [dismissal option]" to add additional options.

When all options are entered, click Save Changes to save. 

Compliance Checklist 

Provider compliance

To start adding requirements to either Vendor or Teacher checklists, click on the 'Edit' icon. 

Add a requirement name, instructions to complete (if necessary) and upload forms for providers to fill out & return. 

Once you've finished adding your requirements, click 'Confirm' to save and alert any vendors associated with upcoming or active courses at your school to complete the new requirements before classes begin.

To keep track of compliance, visit the provider tab of Homeroom. Click on the provider and click on the compliance tab. 

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